Walk Date – 8th October 2020
Distance – 5.3 miles
Weather – sunny beginning, cloudy and cool ending, brisk westerly on summit
We’ve had plenty of rain and wind lately and the very occasional dry and sometimes sunny days have been taken up with putting the garden into hibernation mode before winter arrives. Another very damp and cloudy morning greeted us today and the forecast didn’t offer much hope either so we hadn’t got any walk planned for today. It was almost noon when the cloud suddenly went somewhere else and sunshine and bright skies took over. This turn of events was nowhere to be seen in today’s forecast and it arrived a little too late to consider driving any great distance or setting off on a long walk so we shoved a few bits and pieces into a pack and off we went over to Keswick for a walk over Latrigg. Just before we left I briefly considered the hats and gloves scenario, after all it is October, but having stepped outside and finding it so very warm and sunny I decided against. Wrong!
Brundholme Road, Keswick – Brundholme Wood – Latrigg – Mallen Dodd – Brundholme Road, Keswick
From the car we walked up Brundholme Road and at this point turned onto the very muddy path and headed towards the bridge over the A66. Latrigg in the distance.
The Skiddaw group looking very majestic in the dappled sunlight.
Crossing the A66 with a view of Clough Head and a bit of Great Dodd in the distance.
This little beck is normally just a dribble but the recent rains have created a delightful set of falls.
The walk through Brundholme Wood was pleasantly warm so off came our lightweight jackets and we continued on at t-shirt level. There’s still plenty of greenery around but fallen beech leaves were very much in abundance, the oak trees seemed to be hanging on to their leaves for the time being as only a few of them had fallen, there were plenty of acorns though. They’ll keep the squirrels busy.
Clough Head, the Dodds and the Helvellyn range from the path through Brundholme Wood.
As we left the woodland path and turned up the eastern shoulder of Latrigg we could see that the sunny conditions were about to change as heavy cloud began appearing over Lonscale Fell. The balmy weather we had been experiencing through the woods was now being replaced by cloud and a very cool westerly breeze.
A look back at Blease Fell.
As we walked up the slope the breeze became stronger and chillier so the jackets went back on again. The abrupt change in the weather is obvious from this shot looking over towards Derwentwater.
A retrospective view of Blease Fell and Great Mell Fell as we continue up the hill. The good weather is being pushed eastwards so we would have had better weather for longer had we chosen to walk much closer to home!
Lots of people were out walking on Latrigg today but Skiddaw looked a lot less popular judging by the empty path over there.
Another look back towards Blease Fell with a smidge of Gategill Fell beginning to appear just behind it.
The cloud cover thickens …..
….. and by the time we reached the top the sunlight had completely disappeared, the cloud layer was looking ominous and the strength of the breeze had increased. By now my hands were very cold, nose blowing and eye wiping is very awkward with numb fingers!
Across the fields a faint glimmer of sunlight lands on High Rigg …..
….. but things are a little more cheerful across the fells around the Newlands Valley as we look across Keswick and Derwentwater.
A closer look at sunny Newlands with Hindscarth and Robinson occupying the centre skyline with High Stile and Red Pike behind them on the right.
It all looks much bleaker as we look across at the fells around Coledale but if you peer really hard the fells forming the Coledale Horseshoe can just about be identified.
It might be dull, cloudy and cold but there’s still a great view to be had from this little fell.
Dodd, Carl Side and the top of Skiddaw Little Man just about to get a cloud topping.
Too chilly to take advantage of the seat and take in the view. Just a quick shot and …..
….. another one looking towards Coledale and then down we went.
Still very draughty as we made our descent and my fingers were now so numb I could barely press the camera shutter.
Clumps of cloud obliterate the top of Skiddaw from time to time.
Looking across the Vale of Keswick towards Bass Lake and the Lord’s Seat group.
Cloud gathering over the north western fells around Coledale …..
….. and over on the extreme right a shower of rain is fast approaching …..
….. and offloads its contents over Keswick and the surrounding fells as it sweeps across.
It doesn’t quite reach us as we descend through the woods …..
….. although we did get just the edge of it as we reached the lower end of the path.
A brilliant splash of red provided by this lovely acer as we reached Spooney Green Lane and the end of our walk. Well, that was definitely a walk of two halves, we’ve gone from t-shirts and bare arms in the first hour to jackets and numb fingers in the second one. My hands didn’t get back to normal until we were almost home. And finally ….. having landed the job he so fervently desired Our Dear Leader gazes on his achievements –
or if you prefer something a little more cerebral –
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck,’
‘Ozymandias’ – P.B. Shelley