Law or fiction?

14th January 2021

Very changeable weather since our Loadpot Hill walk – wetter weather arrived and the snow at low levels melted away. As I write it’s been snowing steadily since daybreak and snow is now covering everything down to valley level. Outdoor activity has been curtailed by the weather yet again so no photos to display at the moment.

In their place perhaps the following links to further information on legal matters may be useful –

To begin with what is law and what is guidance?

On 11th January 2021 Ian Collins at Talk Radio spoke to Chris Daw QC to separate fact from fiction. Here’s the link to the seven minute video –

Image from

On the same subject –

‘The law of lockdown 3.0 (from January 6th)

Fiction: Guidance is law. The Police and public understand both.

Law: The government guidance on lockdown 3.0 opens with apparently deliberate ambiguity: “You should follow this guidance immediately. This is the law.” The juxtaposition of those sentences, even with the link included, appears intended to suggest the law requires you to follow the guidance. Such is misleading and not true. Citizens have a choice whether or not to follow the guidance.’

The quotation above is taken from the web site (a group of lawyers concerned with separating the Law from the Fiction) and this particular article goes on to explain very clearly, and in plain English as opposed to legalese, what the law actually is. It deals with each area of restriction separately so no need to read the whole article (unless you want to of course), simply scroll down to the particular restriction which interests you and just read that instead. It might also be useful to print out anything you feel is relevant to your particular situation and keep that about your person just in case you need to remind anyone who fancies throwing their weight about just what the law actually states.

Each time the legislation changes the information is updated so it is worth bookmarking the site for future reference. 

*Please note that the legislation applies to England only.

And finally …..

Here’s an image to think about. Its one which is normally used to decide whether a domestic or workplace relationship is all that it might be. You might want to consider whether any, or all of it could presently be applied to the relationship between the government and the rest of us. In one way or another it is not difficult to say yes to every situation listed in the circle if you think about it carefully enough.